Welcome to my blog!

This blog page will provide information on the writing and editing process, along with helpful tips on how to get started, and how to keep motivated. This blog will also provide the various types of writing tools, the latest word usages, and links to other writing sites.

In addition, I will also keep you up to date on my ventures in writing and share my day-to-day struggles and triumphs. There will be a place for you to comment and ask questions and get answers. Suggestions are welcome! Please let me know the type of information that will be useful to you, and for all others in the great family of writers and editors.

The Writer's Space

Currently, I am working on my first novel. I wrote over 50, 000 words in fifteen days. Now, I am at the beginning of the editing stage and awaiting a response to several questions from my beta reader. The book is about a guy, who is lost in the desert, and lost in life. Trying to find himself,  but he never really does. He fails to heed the words of his father and ends up in what is "familiar" and a literal dead end.

The Writers Space


PO Box 20543
Mesa, AZ 85277, US

About AIS

The Writer's Space - the "write" place to be! For the best and latest in writing, editing tips, and document services- sign up for our newsletter through our Contact Me button located above,  You may also contact us through email, or through our address, both located to the left of this message. 

© 2024 The Writer's Space